Man with the Mike

Eric Robinson Man with the Mike EP (Trafco, 1965)
Here is a little gem recorded in the San Francisco Bay Area. At first listen, this appears to be a bit of urban sociology cum investigative reportage. However, at the end of each segment, the announcer informs us that the record is produced by "local Methodists." In my experience, Methodists tend to go for the soft sell; thus, even though this was produced by the National Council of Churches, the record is essentially a "reporter" on the streets, showing us the gritty side of America.
Eric Robinson has the stereotypical 60s Brit BBC man voice. He asks his subjects probing questions and seems to like it when the conversation turns "edgy" (at least as edgy as local Methodists will allow). His interview subjects are good talkers as well, especially his matter of fact man in the halfway house.
Found this one for a buck in a used store's clearance bin.
Hello...would you consider putting this one back up sometime? I'd love to play excerpts from this on my show!
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